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Private security teams work in a variety of capacities, from occasional stints to round-the-clock, 24/7 guardianship. Each business or private venture determines its specific needs, hiring private security guards accordingly. For those who do not wish to hire full time and/or long term, a different model is an option: Train in-house on as many aspects of security as possible. Below we discuss ways that ISSM can train you and/or your staff to handle safety and security.

Note: The below training is suitable for layperson, in-house monitoring. The position of private security guard, however, involves state licensure, and is a subject which is not covered in this article.

Training Lay Staff

Laypeople can be trained on the specifics of monitoring security systems, as well as safety procedures. Below are the top roles ISSM trains others to handle on a regular basis for their own premises.

  1. Patrolling grounds for security.
  2. Checking safety of building.
  3. Checking safety of materials.
  4. Digital security system monitoring.

Ultimately, empowering your own staff to handle some security and safety measures will make them feel more a part of the whole of your operation. In other words, staff involvement in safety and security might lend itself to more unity, and feeling of purpose, within the organization.  This feeling, in turn, can generate more loyalty from staff since they feel directly responsible for the well-being of the organization.  And when your staff is cohesive, this rubs off on your clients and customers as well. 

If you are considering having your staff handle routine security and safety checks, contact ISSM for an initial consultation. Our private security professionals will assess the expertise levels needed and can then train your staff as best suits your organization.





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