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An old story about a security guard and a lesson.

There was once a very wealthy man who purchased a prized and valuable horse. He was so thrilled by the animal that he could not bear to put him in a regular stable lest a thief be tempted to ride away with the spectacular horse.

The man built and an iron door on the stable and installed a big lock, but he was still not at ease. Finally he decided to hire a security guard to watch the locked stable throughout the night.
The protective owner could find no rest, and decided to check up on the guard. He found that indeed the guard was wide awake but lost in thought.

“What is troubling you so deeply?,” He asked.

The guard replied, “when you hammer a nail into a wall, it makes a hole. I’m struggling to figure out, what happens to the material that used to be in the wall.”

The man didn’t know what to respond, but he was glad that at least the guard was still awake so he retired to his bed. A few hours later he once again woke up worried about his horse. He visited the guard a second time.

This time the guard was also awake but pondering a different question; “when you eat a bagel,” the guard asked, “where does the hole go?”

“Keep up the good work,” was all the man could think to say as he retired to his bed once again.

As the story goes, the man decided to check up on the guard a third time. Now the guard was especially deep in thought. Expecting another riddle, the man asked the guard, “what is it this time?”

The guard replied, “don’t be upset, I’m just really confused. How could it be that after a man installs an iron gate, a top notch lock, and hires a security guard – his horse manages to escape?”

This cute parable teaches the age old lesson that quality is much more important than anything else. Anyone can put on a uniform but only a truly qualified security professional can maintain safety and protect your valuables. At ISSM Protective Services we take great pride in our top notch staff and highly effective services.

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